The measurements performed during the past fourty years form a database for the angular distribution of 3He nuclei scattering that covers a wide range of target masses at different energies, which makes the quest for a systematic optical potential for 3He nuclei is possible to study. This study provides an analysis for simplest direct nuclear reactions forms, namely elastic and inelastic scattering of 3He on two different nuclei( 12C and 6Li) at different energies, using the optical model as the most famous nuclear models that has been successfully described the direct nuclear reactions analysis of elastic and inelastic scattering using phenomenological Wood- Saxon (WS) model, and microscopic model that is generated from the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction between projectile and target, this formula is known as double folding (DF) potential.2 The double Folding potential has been used in two different forms, namely density independent (dependent) M3Y (DDM3Y) effective nucleon-nucleon interaction. The extracted microscopic potentials of 3He with a target nucleus, is employed and then compared with that obtained using Sao Paulo potential, which described the nuclear reactions in particular the elastic and inelastic scattering of heavy nuclei successfully. We have chosen the following reactions to the study and analysis of the results: • 3He +6Li reaction at energy of 34 MeV • 3He+12C reaction at energies of 50.5 , 60, 443 and 450 MeV. The calculated nuclear potentials obtained using a FORTRAN program, then, these potentials fed to HERMES and DWUCK4 program to calculate the angular distribution of the elastic and inelastic scattering, then we plotted the experimental data and compared them with our theoretical results.