This thesis deals with a theoretical study of elastic and inelastic 16O+16O scattering at high energies using the double folding (DF) optical model potential. Four different forms of the nuclear optical model potential are used in the present calculations to perform a comparative study of the 16O+16O reaction. First, the phenomenological squared Woods-Saxon (WS2) form is considered. Then, two forms are calculated based upon phenomenological α-α, α-nucleon (N) and nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions, denoted as DFC1 andb DFC2 potentials. Finally, the potential form is, microscopically, derived using the original M3Y NN (Michigan 3 Yukawa) realistic interaction. Chapter I presents a general introduction about the nuclear reactions, nuclear optical model potential (OMP) and the different versions of the effective interaction used in the folding potentials approaches. Previous studies on 16O+16O elastic and inelastic are also briefly reviewed...