Nonparametric Estimation Of The Conditional Density and its Applications /

تاريخ النشر (نص حر)
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نوع الرسالة الجامعية
Thesis ( M.A . ) - King Khalid University , College of Science , college of Science Department of Mathematics , 1440 .

The conditional hazard function is seen as an indispensable tool in survival anal ysis and various other fields such as seismology , reliability , or medicine . The es timation of this function becomes an essential question in statistics . This subject must be approached in several angles ; according to the complexity of the problem posed , the hypotheses and the proposed data : the random variables are indepen dent and identically distributed ( Phenomenon found in the domain economic ) , the random variables are dependent ( Phenomenon found in the field seismology ) , or the variables are censored ( Phenomenon found in the medical field ) . Formally , suppose Y a random variable in R + associated with a lifetime . The hazard function , also called the hazard rate , survival rate , or failure , is defined at the point y as the probability instant that this life ends at the instant y . More precisely , the hazard function conditional on the explanatory random var

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