Preparation and study of some physical properties of single crystal semiconductor material

تاريخ النشر (نص حر)
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نوع الرسالة الجامعية
thesis(M.A.)-King Khalid University, College of Science, Department of Physics, 1434.

Abstract: In the last few years much attention has been devoted to semiconductors of the AIIIBVI group [1] . These chalcogenide semiconductor compounds are of interest because investigations of their physical properties are necessary in developing important applications in the current technology. According to our knowledge, There is very little previous works reported a complete study of electrical conductivity, Hall effect and thermoelectric power for Tl2Te3 single crystals. The aim of our present work is to prepare Tl2Te3 single crystals by a new local technique modified Bridgman – Stockbarger method, and study of electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power. The influence of temperature on electrical conductivity , Hall coefficient , Hall mobility and the carrier concentration was investigation in the temperature range (39-448 K). The energy gap as well as the ionization energy was calculated. The scattering mechanism of the charge carrier was discussed in the same temperature range.g The temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power in the temperature range extends from 129 K up to 468 K. Our sample appeared to be p-type. We obtained several important parameters constants, such as: energy gap, ionization energy, Hall mobility for hole and electron, carrier concentration, effective mass for electrons and holes, diffusion coefficients for electrons and hole, relaxation time for electrons and holes, diffusion length for electrons and holes.