Electronic Structure and Absorption Spectra of RbXe Van der Waals system

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thesis(M.A.)-King Khalid University, Deanship of Graduate Studies, College of Science, 1437.

Abstract: I began with studying of the properties of the RbXe Van der Waals system where I have been known the first over the physical properties for Rb and Xe therewith I study how can to compound of the RbXe diatomic molecule with where it's the bound of the RbXe diatomic molecule is the Van der Waals forces and after that I used of the approximation methods for solving the time-independent Schrӧdinger equation for the RbXe diatomic molecule because it is from impossible to solve it directly and exactly. I used the pseudopotential approximation which considerable the RbXe diatomic system as the one electron system where its reduces the number of the interactions to two interactions .The first interaction is the Rb+Xe ionic system and the second interaction is the e – Rb+Xe (electron-ionic system) .Therefore I can be found the electronic structure which represents in the calculation of the potential energy curves and diagram it using the Tang and

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