تصور مقترح لدور بعض المؤسسات التربوية والتعليمية في تطبيق العفة على الفرد والمجتمع من وجهة نظر التربية الاسلامية

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أطروحة (دكتوراه)-جامعة أم القرى، كلية التربية، 1430.

A Suggested view for the role of some educational institutions in applying modesty on the individual and society from the point of view of the Islamic education"" * prepared by: Hanan Mohammed Kadi Al Hazemi. PhD research – Faculty of Education for females – inMakkah. * Aims of the study ; This study aims to point out the definition of ""modesty"" in the language in the tradition of scientists , in the Holy Quran . in the prophetic sunnah and in the sayings of our prophet companions – Al – Salaf Al-Saleh. Also , this study aims to show the types of modesty, its conditions, its causes, its fruits, its benefits and the its obstacles. It also aims to show the importance of modesty in Islam and in the Islamic education, know the role of some educational institutions in applying modesty in the Islamic society and to suggest a view to the role of some educational institutions in applying modesty on the individual and on the society from the point of view of the Islamic education. * the study procedure; The researcher used the deductive and descriptive method

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