خصائص الطالب الشخصية والاسرية وعاداته الدراسية في الدول الدول ذات التحصيل المرتفع (الصين وسنغافورة) وذات التحصيل المنخفض (السعودية) في اختبارات الدراسة الدولية للرياضيات والعلوم 2007-timss

تاريخ النشر (نص حر)
1 item
نوع الرسالة الجامعية
اطروحة(ماجستير)-جامعة ام القري، كلية التربية، 1431.

The current study aims at identifying the personal, family, and study habit Characteristics explaining the difference in the students' performance of higher acquisition countries (Singapore - China) and low acquisition countries (Saudi Arabia) in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study "TIMSS" 2007. To achieve aim of this study, results of the current study were applied on all male and female students in the eighth grade in (China, Saudi Arabia, Singapore) participating in International Mathematics and Science Study "TIMSS" 2007 as well as their responses to the questionnaire that accompanied the conducting of this study. Participants of this study reached (12888) male and female students; (4046) students of China from (150) schools, (4243) students of Saudi Arabia from (165) schools, and (4599) students of Singapore from (164) schools. To answer the study questions, a group of statistical methods were used such as, One-Way ANOVA, and Chi-Square in order to identify the differences among students of the related countries. In case (F) was a function, Dunnett'c C Test is used to specify the differences direction. To identify the differences between male and female students in each country, T-Test was used. Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression was used to identify the Characteristics explaining the difference among the students' acquisition levels who participated in the international study

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